Data processing
Last updated 29 November 2019
1. A simple visit
As a user of the site, you are informed that, subject to cookies, no processing of personal data is implemented by Otech S.A.S. for simple visits to the site.
2. Scope of use
Within the scope of your use of this website, Otech S.A.S. implements personal data processing in accordance with the provisions applicable to the protection of personal data and, in particular, the (EU) Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27 2016, applicable from May 25 2018 (hereinafter, “the European Data Protection Regulation” or “GDPR”).
3. Security of data processing
The processing of your personal data is carried out by Otech S.A.S. in a secure manner, in compliance with the legal framework relating to the protection of personal data with the fair, lawful and transparent collection of adequate, relevant and personal data for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes, but not excessive as regards these purposes. These exact, complete and, if necessary, updated data are kept for the length of time necessary for said purposes.
4. Otech S.A.S. limits its processing of personal data to what is strictly necessary and for all data that are processed, Otech S.A.S. clearly indicates:
- Their purpose;
- Their legal basis;
- Categories of processed data;
- The duration;
- The conditions for the collection or indirect collection of data;
- Whether the data collected are compulsory or optional;
- Their recipients;
- If applicable, transfers outside the EU with the appropriate protection methods for your data.
5. Further data processing
Otech S.A.S. does not process your data for automated decision-making, including profiling. Otech S.A.S. does not carry out further processing of your data for a purpose other than those defined in this document.
6. Otech S.A.S., data controller
Impasse la Sablière
64270 Puyoo
SIREN 390 530 061
7. Your IT rights & freedoms
You have personal rights, namely the rights of access, opposition, rectification and erasing of data, the right to limit processing, the right to withdraw your consent at any time, the right to lodge a complaint to a supervisory authority as well as the right to define directives relating to the storage, erasing and communication of your personal data in the event of death.
8. Information & Procedures for exercising your IT rights & freedoms
- By email to [email protected]
- By post:
Impasse la Sablière
64270 Puyoo
9. List of data processing areas
Personal data processing is implemented by Otech S.A.S. on this website in the management processing of:
- Newsletter registrations
- Contacts
- Callback requests
- Requests for information
- Personal IT rights & freedoms.
10. Description of each area of processing
10. 1. Management of newsletter subscriptions
- To manage newsletter subscriptions (registration, updating contact details, end of subscription)
- To send invitations to events organised by Otech S.A.S.
Legal basis:
- By completing and sending the newsletter registration form or
- By checking the box requesting the relevant service
Categories of processed data:
- Identification and contact data
Data retention period:
Erasing upon withdrawal of consent.
Data collection conditions:
Nature of data collected (mandatory or optional):
Not subject to technical service providers
10. 2. Management of contacts
Requesting contact from Otech S.A.S., in particular through the “Contact us!” and “Need help?” forms Call on the expert! »
To receive and respond to requests made by users of this site who contact Otech S.A.S. by email, for example
Legal basis:
Consent: by contacting or questioning Otech S.A.S., the user expresses their consent to the processing of personal data necessary to respond to their requests and demands
Categories of processed data:
- Identification data
- Content
- Replies and exchanges following the message.
Data retention period:
Erasing occurs one year after the last contact made or upon withdrawal of consent.
Data collection conditions:
Nature of data collected (mandatory or optional):
At the discretion of the requester, subject to information to be communicated to allow the processing of the request by Otech S.A.S.
Not subject to technical service providers
10. 3. IT rights management & freedoms
To manage and process requests for information and the exercise of IT rights & freedoms.
Legal bases:
In execution of our legal obligations (art. 6 - 1. c/ of the GDPR - Chapter III of the GDPR)
Categories of processed data:
- Identification data
- Your request and its processing.
Data retention period:
- 1 year in current archive
- 3 years in an intermediate archive in the event of exercise of the right of opposition.
Data collection conditions:
Nature of the data collected (mandatory or optional); The requirement of your data is regulatory and the absence of its provision may prevent the processing of your request.
Recipients : None